Tag Archives: people

From whatever and back

Dear Friends,

Let’s clear the airways and throats of the obvious question; where the blazes have you been and what happened to the blog? ‘Nuff said, I went astray in life for some free willy, careless adventure into something less desired by all, to say the least. Anyway, let’s see what’s different (as per myself or the world I became for a moment sensible of the surroundings)…

Courtesy of Wallpaperbase.com

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My apologies…

Dear Friends,

Being human, I tend to err. In fact, I find myself in error most of the time, either with strangers or friends. Statistically though, I run afoul with friends and myself more than with people I don’t know. Probably this is a incurable defect in myself due to my incredibly small amygdala which is a part of the brain that controls human’s ability to socialise with others. Read the Star for a glimpse of this study.

Sorry #1: Im actually sorry!

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A Tribute to Teratak Anna Abadi

Dear Friends and legions of fans of Teratak Anna Abadi,

In a few more postings, I believe EPI will be branded as the true source of gloom, doom and all manner of sadness in this world. It has been a vicious cycle for yours truly to be acquainted with some beautiful souls via the internet; never to meet in person but have so bonded in mutual bliss of enjoying what few simple pleasures life has to offer to those to sought it – only to have it ended without either one knowing it until it’s too late.

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Poll #1 : Weekend Activities (Inactivities)

Dear Friends,

Just for fun and of course for my personal amusement. If you have the time, tick a maximum of two or create your own answer.

Thanks in advance.

Finding that jet plane…

Dear WordPress,

After several draft entries, I still couldn’t find the mood nor inspiration for yet another dabble of words and phrases. I will be taking my much needed rest for three days. Others in my office seem to get leaves hassle-free and as easy as an email. But for me, it’s just pure pain in the ass. I really beg your pardon friends for my unbecoming language here but I think I do indeed has earned the right to use such words here.

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Should Auld Acquaintances Be Forgot

Dear WordPress,

As I was surfing the interweb, my ears caught a sweet song being played from my MSI laptop via MS Windows Media Player (it’s the only reliable media player nowadays since RealPlayer and KM Player upgraded itself!). It was the humble and favoured Auld Lang Syne (ALS) song that is immune to the passing of time. It was however in the midi format i.e. the instrumentally cheapish sound that is akin to the sounds coming from a Chinese made plastic transistor radio. ALS is synonymous to the celebration of New Year mostly in the western hemisphere.

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That really hurt…

Dear WordPress,

I never anywhere in this blog of mine mentioned that I’m :

i. showing off my writing skills;
ii. bragging to people that I can write a bit in English; and
iii. that I am mentally superior to others.

[picapp align=”center” wrap=”false” link=”term=hurt&iid=180653″ src=”0177/174770ee-74f0-4018-8552-4da8f0a50f6d.jpg?adImageId=9555072&imageId=180653″ width=”500″ height=”333″ /]

OUCH : EPI’s Assessment Results!

I write just because I want to practice writing in English and so that my grey matter is used once in awhile and keeping it nimble (you really want to this if you’re stuck in this oxymoronic place). In fact, as I have mentioned here and there, EPI is essentially a collection of my personal thoughts and life experiences for my own consumption. It’s an online mirror of my pastt self like your car’s rear mirror; to see if you hit something or did something wrong or you missed a turn etc.

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New Commodity Called Friends – Final

Tuan WordPress,

Seperti mana yang telah saya paparkan sedikit ulasan dan pengalaman saya berhadapan dengan senario masyarakat Melayu Islam Malaysia dan kegilaan mereka terhadap wang mudah (easy money), saya akan menutup isu ini once and for all. Namun sebelum itu, molek juga saya huraikan kenapa saya begitu bersikap hyper sceptical dan anti terhadap golongan ini.

Pertamanya, hendaklah kita semua sedar akan kedudukan kita di dunia ini (khalifatullah) dan matlamat hidup ini (menuju kejayaan dunia dan akhirat). Bukanlah saya ingin uar-uarkan bahawa penulis merupakan golongan yang confirmed an-naajihiin wal faaizin (orang-orang berjaya). Kerana pengakhiran hidup ini tiadalah siapa yang tahu melainkan Dia yang Maha Esa. Moga-moga kita semua tergolong dalam orang-orang yang menemui husnul khaatimah (kesudahan yang baik).

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New Commodity Called Friends – Part II

Dear WordPress,

Fate has written that I will be back here typing out another piece regarding the this amazing commodity called friends. Indeed, as soon as I finished publishing the article, somebody buzzed me through Yahoo Messenger! It was someone I just gotten to know online just 3 days ago. Pure coincidence or could be that my article has incurred the wrath of Mr. Ponzi and thus he summoned one of his many legion of scheming followers to verbally ‘abuse’ me with offers of untold riches beyond your wildest dreams. Just read the following extract from YM and marvel at the level of indignity that my fellow Malay people would stoop to get limitless wealth.

[picapp align=”center” wrap=”false” link=”term=successful&iid=7282481″ src=”e/1/4/b/Portrait_of_a_48b4.jpg?adImageId=8042081&imageId=7282481″ width=”500″ height=”333″ /]

Read on believers…

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New Commodity Called Friends

Dear WordPress,

Of late I have been receiving countless emails / sms / invites through social networking sites from friends and strangers offering me to join some kind of  he multi-level marketing / pyramid / get-rich-quick / 5 figures schemes. Well, first of all, thank you very much for thinking about me first. Friends share the good stuff (in this case is highly unlikely to be so) I’ll say. Secondly, no thank you in return. Don’t take it personally but please shove such thoughts (yes, it doesn’t even come to the offer stage yet) to someone else you may not want to consider as friends.

CHARLES PONZI : Modern Day Schemers Unwittingly “Pay” Tribute to this Fellow (Picture courtesy of Wikipedia)

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